Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Investments: Singapore Zoo Membership

One of the best investments we made was to buy a year's unlimited Singapore Zoo pass :) We bought it on Children's day :P It's a joy going to the Sinagpore Zoo, especially on weekdays (much less crowds & free tram rides). Caleb has learnt many animal names, overcome his fear of water at the Rainforest Kidzworld, and we have many precious photos of him with animals. He will elaborate on the actions of the animals during dinner time to his adoring audience-doting Grandparents. "Monkey swing in the tree & eat banana" "Tiger play ball. Got three white Tigers." "Hippo run and run...round and round. Hippo swim very fast." "Dinosaur bite Caleb leg. I sit on Dinosaur. Dinosaur so big."

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  1. Zoo was fun:) being a sentosa islander member also gd investment:) sand and sea is free..hahaha:) kids enjoy going to the seaside...they can stay there play, parent's can relax and chat:) lots of fun:)

  2. yes yes...that's true :) thanks for sharing! We were Sentosa islander members before too...go for nice quiet evening walks and dins on weekdays so shiok :)lots of sand which kids love, bridges to walk over, beautiful sunsets. Caleb loved the dolpins and underwater world-which was facinating & lots of interactive opportunities with gentle sting rays and archer fishes etc to in the 2 touch pools :)
